Spending Too Much Time in Direct Sun: DIY Natural Hair Sunscreen for Ultimate Protection

diy natural hair sunscreen

Spending a significant amount of time in direct sunlight can have detrimental effects on your hair. The sun’s harmful UV rays can cause hair to lose its natural melanin, which is a pigment that determines the color of your hair. When melanin depletes, premature graying becomes a common problem. While most people are aware of the importance of applying sunscreen on their skin, many overlook the need to protect their hair from the sun’s damaging effects. Hair sunscreen can form a protective layer on the hair surface, helping retain its natural color and texture. In this article, we will explore the causes of hair damage due to excessive sun exposure and provide a DIY natural hair sunscreen mist recipe using three simple ingredients.

Spending Too Much Time in Direct Sun: Causes and Effects

Spending excessive time in direct sunlight can have several adverse effects on your hair. The sun’s harmful UV rays can deplete the melanin present in the hair structure, leading to premature graying. Melanin acts as a natural pigment that gives color to your hair. When it diminishes, the hair loses its natural hue and may turn gray earlier than expected. Additionally, prolonged sun exposure can weaken the hair’s structure, making it prone to breakage, dryness, and dullness. Protecting your hair from the sun’s UV rays is crucial to maintain its health and vitality.

The Importance of Sunscreen for Hair Protection

While many people are diligent about applying sunscreen on their skin, they often neglect the need to protect their hair. Hair sunscreen plays a vital role in safeguarding the hair from the sun’s damaging effects. It forms a protective layer on the hair’s surface, preventing UV rays from penetrating and depleting melanin levels. By using hair sunscreen, you can help retain your hair’s natural color and texture, reducing the risk of premature graying and other forms of sun-induced hair damage.

DIY Natural Hair Sunscreen Mist Recipe

Creating your DIY natural hair sunscreen mist at home is simple and cost-effective. With just three ingredients, you can make a nourishing hair sunscreen that also doubles as a leave-in conditioner. Let’s take a closer look at the required ingredients and their benefits.

Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk is rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, making it extremely beneficial for hair health. It forms a protective layer on the hair surface, preventing UV rays from entering the hair structure and damaging melanin levels.

coconut milk
Coconut Milk

Moroccan Argan Oil:

Moroccan Argan oil is a miracle oil extracted from Argan pods grown in the deserts of Africa. It has the remarkable ability to absorb UV rays and neutralize their harmful effects on the hair. Additionally, it adds a glossy finish to the hair without making it oily or sticky.

Moroccan Argan Oil
Moroccan Argan Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil:

Rosemary essential oil is an underrated oil that works wonders for hair growth. It is loaded with antioxidants that slow down the hair ageing process, preventing premature hair loss and thinning. It also has natural sunscreen properties that help protect the hair from UV damage.

Combining these three ingredients creates a powerful DIY natural hair sunscreen mist that not only shields your hair from harmful UV rays but also nourishes and strengthens it.

How to Make DIY Natural Hair Sunscreen Mist

Follow these simple steps to create your own DIY natural hair sunscreen mist:


1/4 cup coconut milk (Buy on Amazon)

1 tablespoon Moroccan Argan oil (Buy On Amazon)

5-10 drops of Rosemary essential oil (Buy On Amazon)


In a spray bottle, pour the coconut milk.

Add the Moroccan Argan oil to the spray bottle.

Add 5-10 drops of Rosemary essential oil.

Close the spray bottle and shake well to ensure all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.

Your DIY natural hair sunscreen mist is now ready to use.

DIY natural hair sunscreen is ready
DIY Natural Hair Sunscreen

Using DIY Hair Sunscreen Mist as a Leave-in Conditioner

Apart from its sun protection benefits, this DIY hair sunscreen mist can also double as a leave-in conditioner. The natural ingredients in the mist help moisturize and nourish the hair, leaving it soft, smooth, and manageable. Here’s how you can use it as a leave-in conditioner:

DIY Hair Sunscreen Mist as a Leave-in Conditioner
DIY Hair Sunscreen Mist as a Leave-in Conditioner

After shampooing and conditioning your hair, towel dry it to remove excess moisture.

Spray the DIY hair sunscreen mist all over your hair, focusing on the lengths and ends.

Gently comb through your hair to distribute the mist evenly.

Style your hair as desired.

Using the DIY hair sunscreen mist as a leave-in conditioner will provide additional protection against environmental damage and keep your hair hydrated throughout the day.

Watch This Recipe On My YouTube Channel :

Spending Too Much Time in Direct Sun: DIY Hair Sunscreen for Ultimate Protection | Sushmita’s Diaries

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How often should I apply hair sunscreen?

A: It is recommended to apply hair sunscreen whenever you expose your hair to direct sunlight for an extended period. Reapply every 2-3 hours or more frequently if you are swimming or sweating profusely.

Q: Will hair sunscreen make my hair greasy?

A: No, the DIY hair sunscreen mist mentioned in this article uses lightweight ingredients that won’t make your hair greasy or weigh it down. However, it is important to use the mist in moderation and avoid applying excessive amounts.

Q: Is it necessary to rinse off the hair sunscreen?

A: No, the DIY hair sunscreen mist can be left in the hair as a protective barrier. There is no need to rinse it off unless you prefer to do so.

Q: Can hair sunscreen prevent all hair damage from the sun?

A: While hair sunscreen provides significant protection, it cannot completely prevent all damage from the sun. It helps minimize the harmful effects of UV rays but should be supplemented with other hair care practices like wearing a hat or avoiding excessive sun exposure.

Q: Can I use the DIY hair sunscreen mist on colored or treated hair?

A: Yes, the DIY hair sunscreen mist is safe to use on colored or treated hair. It provides an additional layer of protection for chemically treated hair, helping maintain its color and health.


Protecting your hair from the damaging effects of the sun is crucial to maintain its health, color, and texture. The DIY natural hair sunscreen mist mentioned in this article offers an effective and affordable solution to shield your hair from harmful UV rays. By using coconut milk, Moroccan

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