What I Eat In A Day For HEALTHY HAIR

What to eat for healthy hair

Hi Everyone, Through this video, I am sharing my diet schedule on any random day. I obviously eat different meals on different days. Though, this diet etches my principle food habits. I am a vegetarian Indian and that reflects in my food patterns. Though, I try to include most nutritious vegetarian food items on my platter. Please watch the video […]

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Indian Ayurveda Marma Pressure Point Head Massage For Extreme Hair Growth & Relaxation|Sushmita’s Diaries

Indian Ayurveda Marma Pressure Point Head Massage For Extreme Hair Growth & Relaxation

Hi Everyone, Here, I am sharing the ancient Ayurvedic Indian pressure point head massage technique for extreme hair growth and relaxation. Marma Pressure Points are scattered throughout the body including head, neck and the face. These Marma Points when pressed boost blood circulation and hence enhance hair growth and cures other problems like headache, stress, anxiety, insomnia, tinnitus etc. Please […]

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DIY Biotin Shake Recipe For Longer & Thicker Hair |sushmita’s Diaries

DIY Biotin Shake Recipe For Longer & Thicker Hair

I am sharing my secret recipe for making hair thicker and stronger, naturally.Biotin is the most essential vitamin that accelerates hair growth. However, most Biotin supplements have nasty side effects like severe acne, weight gain, acidity, anxiety, mood swings, irregular monthly cycles etc. I hope you will find this recipe easy and effective Please watch the video here : I […]

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